Below you can find my projects I've built so far. I will keep updating this section regularly, so don't forget to stop by here once in a while to check out my progress ✨
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Ever wondered about the meaning of the word that just popped in your
head? Or maybe if you pronounce 'tomato' the correct way? Now it's
easy peasy - just use this online dictionary, check different ways
of pronunciation, see examples and synonyms along with some photos
of looked up word.
Built with: HTML, CSS, JS, API, React.
React Weather Project. Current weather conditions for any given
place in the world + five day forecast.
Built with: HTML, CSS, JS, API, React.
Come with me to Tokyo - one of the biggest megapolis in the world!
Let's discover hidden gems and obviously beautiful places. This page
was created using only HTML and CSS and is fully responsive for all
the devices.
Built with: HTML, CSS.
Vanilla JS Weather Project. Current weather conditions for any given
place in the world + four day forecast. Temperature can be displayed
in either Celsius or Fahrenheit. Weather can be shown also based on
users current location.
Built with: HTML, CSS, JS, API, Bootstrap.
Four default cities with current date and time, other cities
avaliable from select menu (current location included). Time is auto
updated so you don't have to refresh the page every now and then 😉
Built with: HTML, CSS, JS, moment.js.
My first project built with
💜 Simple yet satysfying, and made me very happy and confident in my
Built with: HTML, CSS.